VPG+ 200和VPG+400非常適合生產光罩以及對應i-line光刻膠,例如SU-8和IP3600的應用,超高速曝光引擎和自動對準能力共同為系統提供卓越的解析度、優秀的影像品質和快速的吞吐量。
VPG+ 200和400系列對於較小曝光區域的典型應用,包括微機電系統(MEMS)、先進封裝、3D集成、LED生產和化合物半導體等領域。
Our Multi-Purpose Volume Pattern Generators are perfectly suited for the production of standard photomasks as well as for i-line resist applications. An ultra-high-speed exposure engine and automated alignment capability both contribute to systems that excel through high resolution, outstanding image quality, and fast throughput.
Our VPG+ 200 and 400 systems present a perfect solution for applications that use i-line resists such as SU-8 and IP 3600, for example for rapid prototyping applications in microfluidics. In combination with their high speed and resolution, the VPG+ 200 and 400 therefore provide an excellent alternative to an i-line stepper.
Typical applications for the smaller exposure area members of the VPG+ family include such demanding fields as MEMS, advanced packaging, 3D integration, LED production, and compound semiconductors.
VPG+ 1400是我們最大的系統,尤其適用於顯示器領域的應用,如TFT陣列、彩色濾光片和ITO,並具有特別強大的環境室、分差干涉儀,分辨率高達1.2nm,以及先進的Mura校正能力。
Our Large Area VPG+ systems are perfectly equipped for applications such as photomask fabrication for advanced packaging, semiconductors, displays, color filters, LEDs, and touch panel applications. The systems support all industrial data formats and offer Mura optimization functions ensuring excellent CD uniformity and resolution. The closed-loop environmental chambers comply with the most stringent requirements for use in advanced photomask technology. Because of their speed, attractive system price, and low running costs, the Large Area VPG+ series represents the most productive solution for large area photomask applications.
The VPG+ 1400 is our largest system and particularly aimed at applications in the display industry: FPD applications like TFT-arrays and color filters, and ITO. The VP+ 1400 features a particularly powerful environmental chamber, a differential interferometer with a resolution down to 1.2 nm, and advanced Mura correction capabilities.
現今,光罩在半導體器件製造中仍然是重要的組成環節,被廣泛應用在電源、微控制器、LED照明、物聯網、微機電、汽車工業等領域。 ULTRA系統支持結構尺寸低於500nm,速度最快高達每分鐘325 mm²或580 mm²(取決於寫入模式),同時具有優秀的均勻性、高品質圖像、多層套刻精度以及重複定位精度。
The ULTRA specifically addresses the production of mature semiconductor photomasks. It provides an economical mask writer solution with all the features you require for high throughput, high precision and structure uniformity, and extremely accurate alignment. With its modern, compact build, you can easily incorporate the system into an existing mask shop infrastructure.
Mature photomasks continue to be a vital component in semiconductor device fabrication, being used in power management, microcontrollers, LED lighting, the IOT, MEMS, the automotive industry, to name but a few. The ULTRA serves this market with structure sizes down to 500 nm and write speeds up to 325 mm2 or 580 mm2 per minute depending on write mode, while featuring excellent values for CD, image quality, overlay, and registration.