


MPO 100 是一種雙光子聚合 (TPP) 多用途工具,可用於光學、光子學、機械和生醫工程中的微型結構技術。 MPO 100的3D模組列印平台可按照需求提供高精度的3D光刻和3D列印高度,並可在單個工藝步驟中實現複雜的微型結構。

MPO 100 擁有一個強大的飛秒雷射系統,工作波長為522nm,因此能夠高效、高速的處理許多商用的聚合物材料,其中之一是已獲得業界驗證的一種無機-有機混和聚合物,稱為ORMOCER®,這類材料具有獨特的光學、機械和化學特性。此外,由於許多光阻在522522 nm TPP波長下表現出高靈敏度,因此MPO 100是研發新材料系統的理想工具。

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應用特定的寫入模組可在 3D 光刻和 3D 微型列印之間快速且易於切換,可以製造高度超過1cm的宏觀結構,以及表面品質優異且粗糙度達到10nm以下的微結構;可實現的最小特徵尺寸可達 100 nm,可達成的掃描速度超過1000 mm/s,為定制的3D奈米、微米和宏觀加工過程提供用戶達到全面的效益。

The MPO 100 is a Two-Photon Polymerization (TPP) Multi-User Tool for 3D Lithography and 3D Microprinting of microstructures with applications in Optics, Photonics, Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering. The modular 3D printing platform MPO 100 offers high precision on demand for 3D Lithography as well as high print volume for 3D Microprinting and enables production of complex functional microstructures with high throughput in a single process step.

The MPO 100 includes a powerful femtosecond laser system operating at a wavelength of 522 nm thereby enabling efficient and high-speed processing of many commercially available polymer systems. Among those is the industry-proven class of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers known as ORMOCER®. This class of materials provides unique optical, mechanical and chemical properties. In addition, as many photoresists exhibit high sensitivity at the 522 nm TPP wavelength the MPO 100 is an ideal tool for R&D to develop new material systems.

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Application-specific write modes enable fast and easy switching between 3D Lithography and 3D Microprinting. Macro structures with a height of over 1 cm can be fabricated as well as micro structures with superior surface quality exhibiting a roughness of down to 10nm. The achievable minimum feature size of down to 100 nm and the accessible scan speed of over 1000mm/s provide full user benefit for tailored 3D nano-, micro- and macro fabrication processes.


Print height (max.) ≥ 1 cm Roughness (min.) ≤ 10 nm Minimum feature size ≤ 100 nm (lateral) and ≤ 300 nm (vertical) Scan speed (max.) 10 m/s divided by magnification (e.g. 1000 mm/s for 10x) Materials (additive or subtractive) ORMOCER®s, SU-8, customer-specific resins, AZ-series, ma-P 1200, metal layers (e.g. Ag, Au, Cr, ...) Structuring modes:Scan-and-Step with advanced stitching algorithms Stage only for stitching-free fabrication Synchronized Infinite Field-of-View (IFoV) for stitching-free fabrication

System features

Laser:λ = (522 ± 3) nm    τpulse ≤ 250 fs    frep = (63 ± 0.6) MHz Pmean ≥ 600 mW    Epulse > 10 nJ Laser power at focusing optics (max.) ≥ 200 mW Focusing optics Numerical aperture: 0.2 (air) to 1.4 (immersion) Magnification: 5x to 100x Field-of-View (FoV): up to 2 mm Print area:100 mm x 100 mm Autofocus:Optical detection of interfaces, reproducibility down to ± 50 nm Substrate:Size: up to 6-inch (4-inch process area), Thickness: up to 4 cm Software:LithoSoft3D (code generation software)    LithoStream (system control software) Temperature controlled flow box:Control down to ± 0.1°, ISO Class 4 cleanroom environment


Fact Sheet